Traditions Chooses Casino Design Team

Traditions at the Glen has chosen its design team for its proposed gambling casino.

Traditions selected Endwell-based Delta Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors. Delta will lead the team in partnership with JCJ Architecture of Connecticut.

JCJ has designed 100 casinos over the past 30 years, including many in the Northeast. For Delta, this will be the firm's first casino, an exciting challenge according to its President and CEO Anthony Paniccia.

He says Delta's commitment to the local area and JCJ's expertise and connections are a good combination.

"I think the experience they have with the RFA process, with the gaming industry, with the gaming operator, is essential in moving this project forward to the next level to get accepted by the State of New York," said Paniccia.

Delta also recently hired engineer Don Harris who helped to design Tioga Downs, the Meadows Casino in Pittsburgh and Mohegan Sun.

Both Harris and Paniccia say Traditions' owner Bill Walsh is committed to designing a casino that matches and compliments the existing architecture of the former IBM Homestead.